The developer has not uploaded a game yet...

Menus don't work correctly, click numbered button to go directly to that level.

WASD - Move, Space - Shoot, P - Pause


All audio disabled in this build

As you can see a lot of stuff still needs work, some levels are unfinished, and some enemies have no HP... and there needs to be a lot of balancing. I know there are a few bugs present still, too. But all the same figured I'd throw together a quick playable demo. Bullets do shield damage but collisions go straight to main ship damage! Avoiding collisions is particularly important in this build for success!!  

Some features of the full game include:

- Unlock ship upgrades and enhancements via Exp from killing enemies
- Multiple arcade modes with standardized stats for traditional play
- Huge cast of enemies and attacks
- Wide selection of special abilities for various playstyles to be unlocked via gameplay
- Robus stat tracking system
- In-game achievement system
- Controller support


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cool little game!